Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4.20 Plants suitable to be made into standards
All those listed under topiary are also suitable.
Largeplantsto2mplus (*plants that can resprout from
old wood)
*Callistemon spp. Bottlebrush
*Oleaeuropa Olive
*Prunuslusitanica Portugese laurel
Garryaelliptica Garrya
Hebesalicifolia Willow leaf hebe
Laurusnobilis Bay tree
Abutilon Chinese lantern
*Aloisyatriphylla Lemon-scented verbena
Chrysanthemumfrutescens Daisy
*Fuchsiaxhybrida Fuschia
Hebe spp. Hebe
Heliotropiumarborescens Heliotrope/Cherry pie
Laurusnobilis Bay tree
Lavandula spp. Lavender
Growing a successful standard is all about
maximising the power of the apical/top bud
(see page 3). This bud at the top of the
central stem manufactures the future trunk
and must be kept growing vigorously. Straight
after planting, insert a stake against the
existing central stem and use soft ties to
fasten them together every few centimetres.
This will ensure that the stem grows as
vertically as possible which will maximise the
growth of the apical bud. Vertical wood
growth is always the most vigorous, and
suppresses the growth from buds below it.
Strong staking will also ensure a more
symmetrical outcome and support the as yet
immature future trunk.
Figure 4.75 A successfully trained standard. Note the
topiary hedge in the background.
growths of the apical bud. If the plant is very
immature and needs all the leaf coverage it
can get to establish itself, pinch back the side
growths to one leaf for vigorous plants or to
2 to 5 cm of growth for those that seem to be
struggling. Whatever the vigor of your plant,
shoots will continue to grow from the trunk.
Rub them off when they are small (see page
31) to ensure they do not regrow. Persistent
side branches can be removed effectively by
disbudding (see page 43).
Keep removing or pinching back side growths
to within two side growths from the apical
bud until the trunk has reached the desired
length. Any side growths that you have kept to
improve the vigour of the trunk and whole
Remove or rub off any growth near ground
level, and if you have an established plant, lop
off the side branches to within two side
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