Travel Reference
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for his disbelief. The proconsul was so struck by this act that he was among the first to
convert to Christianity. Cyprus became the first country in the world to be ruled by a
Christian and Christianity flourished on the island.
The apostles set up the Church of Cyprus, one of the oldest independent churches in the
world, and the island quickly became known as 'The Island of Saints'.
A number of those involved in the early development of Christianity were sanctified,
including Lazarus, raised from the dead by Jesus, who became the archbishop of Kition.
St Helena also visited the island with pieces of the 'Holy Cross' that she left in the protec-
tion of Stavrovouni Monastery and at Tochni, where they can still be found today.
By the time of Constantine the Great, Christianity had almost completely supplanted
Once copper was discovered in around 2600 BC, it progressively replaced the old stone repertory and led to the
excavation of abundant copper deposits in the Troƶdos Mountains. The country's production and export of copper
became highly organised, and trade with Mediterranean islands and Egypt began in earnest. This gave Cyprus
great commercial importance in the civilised Mediterranean world.
During the island's transition to the Bronze Age, around 2000 BC, a wave of foreign influence, from immig-
rants like the Hittites, brought new technologies and styles. This age also saw new towns established around the
coast, with overseas trade of pottery containers and copper ingots (shaped like oxhide) expanded further.
Cyprus enjoyed an unprecedented level of prosperity, accompanied by the movement of foreign goods and
people into the island. It became a meeting point of Western and Eastern civilisations thanks to its location and
natural wealth.
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