Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
At the southern end of the site you come to the Roman-era reservoir, which stored the wa-
ter brought to Salamis by a 50km aqueduct.
Agora & Temple of Zeus ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE
Just behind the reservoir are the sparse remains of Agora ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ) - the city's
place of assembly during the Roman era - and the Temple of Zeus which the Romans
built over an earlier Hellenistic temple. Not much remains from either complex; the stones
having long been pilfered for other building projects.
A Allow at least half a day for your visit. There is about 7km of rambling to see it all.
A Once you pass the main entrance, stick to the site map so that you don't retrace your steps too much.
A On hot days take a hat and bottles of water with you as there's no shade.
A Be wary of snakes, especially in the more overgrown parts of the site.
A The adjacent beach is perfect for a swim after a day's exploring. There's a good patch of sand right by the en-
trance car park or, for a mid-exploration dip, take the short trail down to the beach from the Kambanopetra Ba-
A The handy restaurant at the site entrance car park dishes up excellent meze and grills. It's a top spot for lunch.
Necropolis of Salamis
Necropolis of Salamis ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE
(Royal Tombs, Salamis Mezarlık Alanı; % 378 8331; adult/student 7/3TL; h 9am-5pm)
This ancient cemetery dates back to the 7th and 8th centuries BC and consists of a scatter-
ing of 150 graves spread out over the wide field.
The arrangement of the burial chambers closely matches descriptions of Mycenaean
tombs in Homer's Iliad . Kings and nobles were buried here with their favoured worldly
possessions, food, drink, and even their sacrificed slaves.
The tombs are prominently signposted, south of the Salamis turn-off, along the road to
the Church of Apostolos Varnavas.
Further south on the site, marked by a lone eucalyptus tree, are the Cellarka tombs.
These smaller rock-cut tombs were used for less important members of the royal commu-
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