Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Famagusta (Mağusa)
1 Top Sights
1 Lala Mustafa Paşa Camii C2
2 Venetian Walls D2
1 Sights
3 Agora A2
4 Andruzzi Bastion C4
5 Basilica of Agios Epifanios C3
6 Camposanto Bastion D3
7 Canbulat Bastion D3
8 Canbulat Museum D3
9 Church of Apostolos Varnavas B3
10 Del Mezzo Bastion A1
11 Diamante Bastion B1
12 Diocare Bastion B3
13 Kambanopetra Basilica A2
14 Land Gate B4
15 Martinengo Bastion A1
16 Moratto Bastion A3
17 Namık Kemal Prison B3
18 Nestorian Church B3
19 Othello's Tower C1
20 Palazzo del Provveditore C3
21 Pulacazara Bastion A2
22 Ravelin (Rivettina) Bastion B4
23 Reservoir C3
24 Roman Villa C2
25 San Luca Bastion A2
26 Santa Napa Bastion C4
27 Sea Gate C2
28 Signoria Bastion C1
29 Sinan Paşa Camii B3
30 St George of the Greeks Church C3
31 St George of the Latins Church C2
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