Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
North Nicosia (Lefkoşa)
Why Go?
Home to roughly a third of the population of North Cyprus, the northern half of Nicosia is
another world. Approached from the smart boutiques in Ledra St, North Nicosia (Lefkoşa)
sees the avenue fracture into a medina-style market of stalls and kebab houses. Thanks to
the Nicosia Master Plan, however, many of the historic buildings are being restored and the
area around the Selimiye Mosque, in particular, has a real sense of heritage.
This is essentially a daytime city where the appeal lies in observing daily life and explor-
ing the dusty historic streets lined with ancient mosques and Frankish ruins. Many visitors
take a day trip via the Ledra Palace or Ledra St checkpoints. Consider staying until dusk,
when the minarets light up and release their evening call to prayer and the air is scented
with an intoxicating combination of wild jasmine and freshly grilled kebabs.
When to Go
A North Nicosia can be an uncomfortably hot and dusty city in July and August, which is
also when many inhabitants leave for cooler coastal climes.
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