Chemistry Reference
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Piperidine that is typically used for this purpose has a double function. As
a nucleophile, it releases the damaged base (denoted as HNR 2 ) and assists
in the acidification of the H2
by forming a positively charged Schiff base
[reaction (8)].
The kinetics of the cleavage of the 2-dRL lesion is by
-elimination has been
studied in some detail as a function of pH and temperature for a number of
ODNs of varying length (Roupioz et al. 2002; see also Sect. 12.9).
The Tg lesion rates among those ALS as shown with the help of an ODN con-
taining this lesion at a specific position (Matray and Greenberg 1994). Interest-
ingly, the FAPY-A lesion is readily identified as an ALS with this assay, while
FAPY-G is not (Haraguchi et al. 2002). In the absence of piperidine but in the
presence of phosphate buffer pH 7.5, the deglycosylation lifetime of FAPY-A is
about 103 h at 37 °C; FAPY-G is about 25 times more stable (measured at 55 °C;
Greenberg et al. 2001).
The C (1
) radical has been generated specifically within a short ss/dsODN
(Tronche et al. 1998). The ratio of ALSs to SSBs was 9:1, independent of whether
the radical was generated in a ss- or dsODN. The route from the C (1
) radical to
frank SSBs is as yet unknown.
Strand Breaks
Concerning DNA strand breakage in the absence of O 2 , the sequence of reac-
tions resulting from the C (4
) radical were the first understood mechanistically
(Dizdaroglu et al. 1975), and this reaction still remains the most-widely studied
mechanism of DNA strand breakage. Strand breakage occurs by a heterolytic
cleavage of the neighboring phosphate group, whereby cleavage at C (3
) strongly
dominates over that at C (5
) [reactions (9) and (15); Beesk et al. 1979]. The het-
erolytic cleavage is favored over a homolytic
-cleavage due to the effective sol-
vation of the ensuing ions (Glatthar et al. 2000).
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