Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fayette Lde L (2006) The role of United Nations in international ocean governance. In:
Freestone D, Barnes R, Ong DM (eds) The law of the sea: progress and prospects. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, p 63
Freestone D (2006) The role of the World Bank and the global environment facility in the
implementation of the regime of the law of the Sea Convention. In: Freestone D, Barnes R,
Ong DM (eds) The law of the sea: progress and prospects. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p
McConnell ML (2003) Inter-agency collaboration or inter-agency competition - a challenge for
the UN system. In: Kirchner A (ed) International marine environmental law: institutions,
implementation and innovations. Kluwer Law International, The Hague, p 69
Mensah TA (2007) Prevention of marine pollution: the contribution of IMO. In: Basedow J,
Magnus U (eds) Pollution of the sea- prevention and compensation. Springer, Heidelberg, p 41
Molenaar EJ (2006) Port state jurisdiction: toward comprehensive, mandatory and comprehensive
use. In: Freestone D, Barnes R, Ong DM (eds) The law of the sea: progress and prospects.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p 192
Redgweil C (2007) National implementation. In: Bodansky D, Brunn ยด e J, Hey E (eds) The oxford
handbook of international environmental law. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p 924
Srivatava CP (1985) IMO and the law of the sea. In: Brown ED, Churchill RR (eds) The UN
Convention on the law of the sea: impact and implementation. The Law of the Sea Institute,
Honolulu, p 419
Weiss EB, Jacobson HK (1998) Engaging countries: strengthening compliance with international
accords. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass
Online Documents
IMO, GISIS Port Reception Facility Database, http://www.imo.org/OurWork/Environment/
PollutionPrevention/PortReceptionFacilities/Pages/Port-reception-facilities-database.aspx , last
accessed on 14 July 2014
IMO, Reception Facilities, http://www.imo.org/OurWork/Environment/PollutionPrevention/
PortReceptionFacilities/Pages/Default.aspx , last accessed on 14 July 2014
Paris MoU, Port State Control Taking Port State Control to the Next Level, Annual Report 2012,
https://www.parismou.org/sites/default/files/Annual%20Report%202012%20%28final%29.pdf ,
last accessed on 4 July 2014
Tokyo MoU, Annual Report on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region 2012, http://www.
tokyo-mou.org/doc/ANN12-r.pdf , last accessed on 4 July 2014
UNEP, Guidelines on Compliance with and Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental Agree-
ments, http://www.unep.org/delc/Portals/119/UNEP.Guidelines.on.Compliance.MEA.pdf , last
accessed on 11 July 2014
United Nations and IMO Documents
Report of the Marine Environment Protection Committee on Its Fifty-Fourth Session, IMO Doc.
MEPC54/21 (27 March 2006)
Technical Co-Operation Activities for the Protection of the Marine Environment, IMO Doc.
MEPC 5/15/1 (8 February 2013)
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