Environmental Engineering Reference
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establishment of reception facilities. Many countries may also need financial
assistance for collecting patrol boats for proper surveillance of their marine area.
7.7 Strengthening International Technical and Financial
All the important international Conventions—including UNCLOS and MARPOL
73/78—recognised the need for technical and financial assistance for their proper
implementation in developing countries. IMO, the World Bank, UNEP and other
international organisations and financial institutions have a decisive role to play in
the implementation of international marine environmental conventions in develop-
ing countries. 52 The UNCLOS imposed a specific obligation on developed States to
provide scientific and technical assistance to developing nations through competent
international organisations. 53 The developing States are also entitled to preferential
treatment on this matter from international organisations. 54
A number of institutions—IMO, UNEP, Global Environment Facility, Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation, United Nations Development Programme, World
Bank, Asian Development Bank and other donor agencies—presently provide
technical and financial assistance for capacity building activities in developing
countries. However, the work of these organisations is not well co-ordinated 55
and mainly focused on training and awareness building of government officials.
Moreover, their initiatives are fragmented and overlap with each other. Different
international agencies organise training programmes for the same officials of the
concerned government departments again and again so these officials “suffer from
training fatigue and confusion”. 56
The training and familiarisation with
52 Freestone ( 2006 ), p. 63; Fayette Lde ( 2006 ), p. 63; Mensah ( 2007 ), p. 41; Dijxhoorn ( 1993 );
Srivatava ( 1985 ), p. 423.
53 Article 202 of the UNCLOS provides: “States shall, directly or through competent international
organizations: (a) promote programmes of scientific, educational, technical and other assistance to
developing States for the protection and preservation of the marine environment and the preven-
tion, reduction and control of marine pollution. Such assistance shall include, inter alia: (i) training
of their scientific and technical personnel; (ii) facilitating their participation in relevant interna-
tional programmes; (iii) supplying them with necessary equipment and facilities; (iv) enhancing
their capacity to manufacture such equipment; (v) advice on and developing facilities for research,
monitoring, educational and other programmes; (b) provide appropriate assistance, especially to
developing States, for the minimization of the effects of major incidents which may cause serious
pollution of the marine environment; (c) provide appropriate assistance, especially to developing
States, concerning the preparation of environmental assessments”.
54 Article 203 of the UNCLOS provides: “[d]eveloping States shall, for the purposes of prevention,
reduction and control of pollution of the marine environment or minimization of its effects, be
granted preference by international organizations in: (a) the allocation of appropriate funds and
technical assistance; and (b) the utilization of their specialized services”.
55 See generally, McConnell ( 2003 ).
56 Alam, above note 40.
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