Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
This Convention is unique among IMO marine environmental legal instru-
ments; it mainly regulates a land-based industry. Despite having competence
for vessel-source pollution, IMO adopted it. IMO
s activities in this regard
are justified as the Convention also encourages green shipbuilding. Never-
theless, this Convention failed to fulfil the expectations of developing
shipbreaking countries. As of 25 June 2014, only two countries—Norway
and Congo—have become parties to this Convention. 126 Not one developing
shipbreaking country has signed the Convention.
Journal Articles
Campbell VB (2004) Ghost ships and recycling pollution: sending America ' s trash to Europe.
Tulsa J Comp Int Law 12:189-226
Chang Y-C, Wang N, Durak OS (2010) Ship recycling and marine pollution. Mar Pollut Bull
Karim MS (2010) Environmental pollution from shipbreaking industry: international law and
national legal response. Georget Int Environ Law Rev 22:185-240
Knapp S, Kumar SN, Remijn AB (2008) Econometric analysis of the ship demolition market. Mar
Policy 32:1023-1036
Luster JP (2000) The domestic and international legal implications of exporting hazardous waste:
exporting naval vessels for scrapping. Environ Lawyer 7:75-122
Morita T (2005) N.I.M.B.Y. Syndrome and the ticking time bomb: disputes over the dismantling
of naval obsolete vessels. Georget Int Environ Law Rev 17:723-753
Noland LC (2006) The ghouls that won
t go away - the dire environmental consequences posed by
the ghost fleet in the James River. William and Mary Environ Law Policy Rev 30:513-554
Online Documents
BAN, Basel Action Network Report and Press Statements on the Results of the Eighth Conference
of the Parties of the Basel Convention, http://www.ban.org/cop8/COP8BANReport.pdf , last
accessed on 13 July 2014
Marcos A. Orellana, ASIL Insights, Shipbreaking and Le Clemenceau Row, http://www.asil.org/
insights/volume/10/issue/4/shipbreaking-and-le-clemenceau-row ,
last accessed on 13 July
provide in the convention for recycling at non-Party recycling facilities that meet or exceed the
standards in the draft convention.” Ibid, para. 3.67, Annex 3.
126 Status of multilateral Conventions and instruments in respect of which the International
Maritime Organisation or its Secretary-General performs depositary or other functions—As at
25 June 2014, http://www.imo.org/About/Conventions/StatusOfConventions/Documents/Status%
20-%202014.docx.pdf , last accessed on 10 July 2014.
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