Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
foxes: arctic, kit and gray. The adult red fox is known for its bushy, white-
tipped tail, but this is less outstanding on a juvenile. The young fox's
muzzle is softer in shape and not as pointed as that of the adult. Foxes also
have vertical pupils, like those of a cat.
1 Sketch and Transfer
With a 2B pencil, sketch the fox kit onto tracing paper using your preferred method.
The fox's head is based on a circle. Tape the sketch to a window (or use a light box)
and tape bristol board over the top. The light should shine through, allowing you to
see your sketch (you may have to darken the sketch lines). With a Copper Beech
colored pencil, trace the sketch, using delicate fur strokes.
2 Fill In the Body
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