Information Technology Reference
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Table 4.4. Reflect ICTS Uganda Pilot: Prioritised information needs by gender
and age
Information Need
- Where to access credit
- Markets for their produce
- Job opportunities
- Modern farming practices
- Land ownership rights
- Where to access credit
- Agriculture
- Health, particularly HIV, antenatal, reproductive
- Education opportunities for girls
- Cooking
- Women's rights: dowry; children; poverty
- Education opportunities for girls
- Reproductive health/HIV/AIDS
- Women's rights
- Job opportunities
- Business/job opportunities
- Education
- Agriculture
- Health: HIV/AIDS, condom use
Based on the information needs identified in the Reflect circles, plans
were developed in an iterative process in teams which included local par-
ticipants, ActionAid staff, and members of partner organisations. In the
next phase of the project, pilot teams were able to analyse, discuss and de-
bate ICT issues and devise a plan founded upon the stated communication
preferences, while the second phase was for the implementation of the
plan. As a result of this information needs analysis and action planning by
citizens, Uganda now has a central information resource centre. “ This is a
central place for information to be stored and shared and provides a one-
stop centre for sharing information between partners, including communi-
ties, facilitators, local government and traditional information providers.
Equipment includes internet-connected computers, digital cameras and
world space receivers. Air time is also being purchased for radio pro-
grammes. The centre will also develop a databank of traditional medicines
and their applications, act as a training centre, and undertake pro-poor
advocacy with information providers and policy makers on the develop-
ment and information needs of poor people ” (Beardon 2005).
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