Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
of telecommunications and information technologies alongside the bur-
geoning knowledge and interest in promoting participation of citizens in
civic society means that it is timely to find new answers to old problems. A
great diversity of wired and wireless technologies to enable fundamentally
new ways of working, learning, communicating and influencing are com-
ing on stream with great rapidity. Harnessing these to create desirable digi-
tal futures requires a major shift in culture surrounding the developments
of ICT systems, services and projects. What is needed now for this to hap-
pen is leadership in society and the political will to take action to achieve
this change. How to achieve this is discussed in the final chapter.
Beaton B (2004) The K-Net Story: Community ICT Development Work. The
Journal of Community Informatics. 1 (1), pp 5-6.
The Demos Project (2004). Homepage.
Gleicher D (n.d.) In: Huczynski A and Buchanan D (2001). Organisational Behav-
iour: An introductory text. Prentice Hall. Harlow, pp 589-621.
Scottish Parliament (2004) The Participation Handbook. <http://www.scottish.>.
Wyman M, Shulman D, Ham L (1999) Learning to Engage: Experiences with
Civic Engagement in Canada, Canadian Policy Research Networks
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