Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2.25 Relative importance of major introduction pathways in the Caribbean, as measured by
all introductions (solid bars) or only those leading to successful establishment (open bars)
Fig. 2.26 Relative importance of major introduction pathways in the Pacific Islands, as mea-
sured by all introductions (solid bars) or only those leading to successful establishment (open
Within the 12 regions examined, eight have received introductions representa-
tive of all six major pathways, two have five pathways represented, and only two
have as few as four pathways (Fig. 2.29). For most regions, introductions are domi-
nated by only one or two pathways, but pathway importance varies between
regions. Single pathways accounting for >50% of all introductions within a recipi-
ent region include the pet trade in Europe, North America, the Atlantic Islands,
South America, and Asia, and cargo in Australia and the Pacific Islands (Fig. 2.29).
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