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“Yes, we have, Ponens. There's none of that mythic fairy-tale stuff in our System, miss.
Word games and clever riddles, ha! That's just bad security!”
“But that's not fair!” cried Laurie. “How do I get inside?”
“It's very simple,” said Ponens. “If you have a password, then that means you can pass
through the semantic turnstile.”
“If you can't pass through the turnstile, then that means you don't have a password. It's only
logical,” Tollens said. “Do you have a password?”
“No, I don't know what it is,” Laurie said.
“Then you may not enter!” they said again, together.
“Can you give me a hint?” Laurie was sure she could guess the password, given some kind
of clue.
“Yes, hints are part of the System,” said Ponens.
“Oh, good.”
“Did you set up a hint with your account?” asked Tollens.
“Well, no,” she said. “This is my first time here.”
“Then it's hard luck for you, miss,” said Ponens. “Once you are inside, do make sure to set
up a hint for the next time.”
“And remember to change your password to something memorable, but hard to guess,” said
Tollens. “It's just good security.”
“But I'm trying to get inside! I don't know what to do!”
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