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When people asked Kelvin what he was doing, he would say he was fishing. He never ex-
plained what he was fishing for , in the middle of the night with a gigantic winch that had a
boat attached to it. When people made jokes about catching sea monsters, Kelvin only
smiled. No one knew what he knew. How could they?
Kevin Kelvin was fishing for teeny-tiny bits of electricity flowing up his Wire. The Wire
traveled under the ocean for miles, all the way to a little building on the shore, not far from
the lighthouse. He twiddled dials, and listened carefully to a nearby speaker connected to the
Wire, and made notes. If his ideas were right, any moment now he should hear a signal from
his assistant on the other end. It would sound like—
His skin tingled with excitement, but he didn't dare make a sound.
Kelvin quickly disconnected some wires and connected some other ones. He flicked a switch
on and off.
The Wire answered back.
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