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Chapter 18. Many Hands Make Light
Once the Doppelganger reached the next island, Winsome sent Laurie off on another deliv-
ery immediately. This telescope would be the last, but Laurie still wondered how on Earth
they fit into Winsome's plan.
“Some things in life you just have to see for yourself!” Winsome said with a smile.
Laurie found it hard to argue with the excitement in Winsome's voice, so she just trusted the
usual set of odd directions to lead her to an answer. Before long, she and Xor reached an
enormous tree. A long, twisty staircase wrapped around the trunk and up into the leaves, and
a young woman stood at the base.
“Hello, Laurie! Glad you made it. My name is Ping Baudot. I've been waiting for you.”
“Hello. Wait, how did you know my name?”
“Oh, Fresnel told me all about you.”
“Fresnel? He lives way over on Elegant Island!”
“Yes, isn't it wonderful? You and Winsome have been making lots of deliveries lately. The
Network is getting quite big now! I can hardly keep up with all the chatter.”
“But I don't—”
“You should be very proud. Here, let me help you with that.” Ping took the package and
raced up the stairs, round and round the trunk of the tree. Laurie followed as best she could.
When they arrived at the treehouse near the top, Laurie gasped in surprise. It was a tree light-
house ! Not only that, but the lighthouse keeper's room was filled with telescopes pointing in
all directions. A neat label was attached to each one.
“Well? What do you think?” Ping said.
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