Travel Reference
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Visigoth King Witiza is assassinated. When oldest son Agila is blocked from the throne he sends for
help from North African Berbers. The Muslim force arrives, establishes peace and puts down roots.
The Umayyad dynasty rules the Iberian Peninsula. The region flourishes under the tolerant ca-
liphate. The Arabs introduce irrigation, bring new crops (including oranges and rice) and establish
The Reconquista is underway as Christians attain decisive victories over the Moors. Portugal's first
king Afonso Henriques (crowned in 1139) leads the attack, laying siege to Lisbon.
The last remaining Moors are driven out in the battle of Tavira. Portugal later establishes its border
with Castile (Spain), aided by Dom Dinis: 50 fortresses line the eastern frontier.
The boundaries of the Portuguese kingdom - much the same then as they are today - were formal-
ised with neighbouring Castile. The kingdom of Portugal had arrived.
The Plague arrives in Portugal (most likely carried on ships that dock in Porto and Lisbon). As in
other parts of Europe, the disease devastates, killing one in three.
Intermarriage between Castilian and Portuguese royal families leads to complications. Juan I of
Castile, claiming the throne, invades. The Portuguese, with English help, rout the invaders at
Newly crowned Dom João builds an elaborate monastery to commemorate his victory at Aljubarrota.
João marries John of Gaunt's daughter, ushering in an English alliance lasting centuries.
Dom João's third son, Prince Henry the Navigator, joins his father in the conquest of Ceuta in North
Africa. Thus begins the colonial expansion of Portugal.
Shipbuilding advances lead to the development of the caravel , a fast, agile ship that changed the face
of sailing. Portuguese mariners put it to brilliant use on long voyages of exploration.
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