Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Sights & Activities
The most famous inhabitant of the eastern Serra de Montesinho is the rust-coloured Iberi-
an wolf. Indeed, this natural park and the adjoining Spanish park together form the last
major refuge for this seriously endangered animal. Other threatened species include the
royal eagle and the black stork.
In vast forests of Iberian oak and chestnut, and among riverside alders, willows, poplars
and hazel, there are also roe deer, otters and wild boar; in the grasslands are partridges,
kites and kestrels. Above 900m the otherwise barren ground is carpeted in heather and
broom in spring.
There are plenty of biking and hiking opportunities. Park offices in Bragança ( Click
here ) and Vinhais ( Click here ) offer free brochures detailing 11 marked hiking trails around
the park (although some of these seem to be chronically out of print!).
If you come here in the summer, you can cool off in the park's plentiful (if chilly) rivers
and streams. Look for signs pointing to praias fluviais (river beaches) throughout the
park; one of the nicest such swimming spots is near the centre of the park, just northwest
of the town of Fresulfe.
Rio de Onor
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