Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lovely, sunny weather and the lack of peak-season crowds makes May an ideal time
to visit. The beaches of the Algarve awake from their slumber and see a smattering of
travellers passing through.
Feira das Cantarinhas
A huge three-day street fair of traditional handicrafts in Bragança.
Queima das Fitas
Join the mayhem of Burning of the Ribbons at the University of Coimbra (Portugal's Ox-
ford), as students celebrate the end of the academic year with concerts, a parade and copi-
ous amounts of drinking. ( Click here )
Festa das Cruzes
Barcelos turns into a fairground of flags, flowers, lights and open-air concerts at the Festiv-
al of the Crosses. The biggest days are 1 to 3 May. Monsanto, in the Beiras, also celebrates,
with singing and dancing beside a medieval castle.
Festa do Mar
Celebrating the age-old love of the sea (and the patron saints of fishermen), this lively fest
brings a flotilla of fishing boats to Nazaré's harbour, as well as a colourful parade of elab-
orately decorated floats. There's plenty of eating and drinking.
Fátima Romaris
Hundreds of thousands make the pilgrimage to Fátima each year to commemorate the ap-
paritions of the Virgin that occurred on 13 May 1917. The pilgrimage also happens in
October (12 and 13).
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