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Algorithm 1 Iterative classification algorithm
Iterative Classification Algorithm (ICA)
for each node Y i ∈Y
ompute label using only observed nodes in
N i
compute a i using only
X∩N i
y i
f ( a i )
iterative classification
generate ordering
over nodes in
for each node Y i ∈O
ompute new estimate of y i
compute a i using current assignments to
N i
f ( a i )
until all class labels have stabilized or a threshold number of iterations
have elapsed
y i
3.3.1 Iterative Classification
The basic premise behind ICA is extremely simple. Consider a node Y i ∈Y
whose value we need to determine and suppose we know the values of all the
other nodes in its neighborhood
N i can contain both observed
and unobserved variables). Then, ICA assumes that we are given a local
classifier f that takes the values of
N i (note that
N i as arguments and returns a label value
for Y i from the class label set
. For local classifiers f that do not return
a class label but a goodness/likelihood value given a set of attribute values
and a label, we simply choose the label that corresponds to the maximum
goodness/likelihood value; in other words, we replace f with argmax l∈L
f .
This makes the local classifier f an extremely flexible function and we can use
anything ranging from a decision tree to an SVM in its place. Unfortunately,
it is rare in practice that we know all values in
N i which is why we need
to repeat the process iteratively, in each iteration, labeling each Y i using the
current best estimates of
N i and the local classifier f , and continuing to do
so until the assignments to the labels stabilize.
Most local classifiers are defined as functions whose argument consists of
one fixed-length vector of attribute values. A common approach to circumvent
such a situation is to use an aggregation operator such as count , mode ,or prop ,
which measures the proportion of neighbors with a given label.
Algorithm 1 depicts the ICA algorithm as pseudo-code where we use a i to
denote the vector encoding the values in
N i obtained after aggregation. Note
that in the first ICA iteration, all labels y i are undefined and to initialize
them we simply apply the local classifier to the observed attributes in the
neighborhood of Y i ; this is referred to as “bootstrapping” in Algorithm 1.
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