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regarding evaluation methodology: how can we measure the utility of such
an information distillation system? Existing metrics in standard IR, AF and
ND are insucient, and new solutions must be explored, as we will discuss in
Section 9.4. First, we describe the technical cores of our system.
9.3 Technical Cores
Our system consists of the AF component for incremental learning of query
profiles, the passage retrieval component for estimating the relevance of each
passage with respect to a query profile, the novelty detection component for
assessing the novelty of each passage with respect to the user history, and the
anti-redundancy component for minimizing redundancy among the ranked
9.3.1 Adaptive Filtering Component
We use a state-of-the-art algorithm in the field - the regularized logistic
regression method which had the best results on several benchmark evaluation
corpora for AF (26). Logistic regression (LR) is a supervised learning
algorithm for statistical classification. Based on a training set of labeled
instances, it learns a class model which can then by used to predict the labels
of unseen instances. Its performance as well as eciency in terms of training
time makes it a good candidate when frequent updates are required to the
class model, as is the case in adaptive filtering, where the system must learn
from each new feedback provided by the user. Regularized logistic regression
has the optimization criteria as follows:
s ( i )log(1+ e −y i wx i )+ λ
w map =argmin
i =1
The first term in the objective function is for reducing training-set errors,
where s ( i ) takes three different values (pre-specified constants) for query,
positive and negative documents respectively. This is similar Rocchio where
different weights are given to the three kinds of training examples: topic
descriptions (queries), on-topic documents and off-topic documents. The
second term in the objective function is for regularization ,equivalentto
adding a Gaussian prior to the regression coecients with a zero mean and
covariance variance matrix
2 λI where I is the identity matrix.
λ (
0) is theoretically justified for reducing model complexity (the effective
degree of freedom) and avoiding over-fitting on training data. The solution of
the modified objective function is called the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)
estimate, which reduces to the maximum likelihood solution for standard LR
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