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resort to numerical or asymptotic methods to obtain an approximation (see
Section 6.5 ).
6.4 EM on a Mixture of vMFs (moVMF)
We now consider a mixture of k vMF (moVMF) distributions that serves
as a generative model for directional data, and obtain the update equations
for estimating the mixture-density parameters from a given dataset using
the Expectation Maximization (EM) framework. Let f h ( x
θ h )denoteavMF
distribution with parameters θ h =( μ h h )for1
k . Then a mixture of
these k vMF distributions has a density given by
f ( x
α h f h ( x
θ h ) ,
Θ) =
h =1
where Θ =
and the α h are non-negative and sum to
one. To sample a point from this mixture density we choose the h -th vMF
randomly with probability α h , and then sample a point (on
α 1 ,
k 1 ,
k }
d− 1 ) following
f h ( x
θ h ). Let
x 1 ,
, x n }
be a dataset of n independently sampled
z 1 ,
, z n }
points that follow (6.6). Let
be the corresponding set of
hidden random variables that indicate the particular vMF distribution from
which the points are sampled. In particular, z i = h if x i is sampled from
f h ( x h ). Assuming that the values in the set Z are known, the log-likelihood
of the observed data is given by
ln P (
ln ( α z i f z i ( x i |
θ z i )) .
Θ) =
i =1
Obtaining maximum likelihood estimates for the parameters would have been
easy were the z i truly known. Unfortunately that is not the case, and (6.7)
is really a random variable dependent on the distribution of
—this random
variable is usually called the complete data log-likelihood .Foragiven(
, Θ), it
is possible to estimate the most likely conditional distribution of
, Θ), and
this estimation forms the E-step in an EM framework. Using an EM approach
for maximizing the expectation of (6.7) with the constraints μ h μ h =1and
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