Agriculture Reference
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Without lime
With lime
Without lime
Without lime
With lime
With lime
Root growth of upland rice with and without lime.
Moll et al. (1982) reported that N use efficiency differences among corn hybrids were due to the dif-
fering utilization of N already accumulated in the plant prior to anthesis, especially at low N levels.
Eghball and Maranville (1991) reported that N use efficiency generally parallels water use efficiency
in corn. Hence, both N use and water use efficiency traits might be selected simultaneously where
such parallels exist. Kanampiu et al. (1997) reported that wheat cultivars with higher grain harvest
indexes had higher N use efficiencies. Cox et al. (1985) reported that wheat cultivars that accumu-
late large amounts of N early in the growing season do not necessarily have high N use efficiency.
Plants must convert this accumulated N into grain N and also assimilate N after anthesis to produce
high N use efficiency. Forms of N uptake ( NH 4 + vs. NO 3 ) may also have effects on N use efficiency
(Thomason et  al., 2002). Plants with a preferential uptake of NH 4 + during grain fill may provide
increased N use efficiency over plants without this preference (Tsai et  al., 1992). Ammonium N
supplied to high-yielding corn genotypes increased the yield over plants supplied with NO 3 during
critical ear development (Pan et al., 1984). Salsac et al. (1987) reported that NH 4 + assimilation pro-
cesses require 5 ATP (adenosine triphosphate) mol −1 of NH 4 + , whereas NO 3 assimilation processes
require 20 ATP mol −1 NO 3 . This energy-saving mechanism may be responsible for higher N use
efficiency in NH
BRS Monarca
Without lime
With lime
Without lime
With lime
Without lime
With lime
Root growth of upland rice with and without lime.
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