Agriculture Reference
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120 kg N ha -1
0 + rhizobium
50 + rhizobium
FIGURE 7.2 Dry bean genotype Perola growth at different N treatments in the second year of experi-
mentation. Left to right 0 kg N ha −1 , 0 kg N ha −1 + inoculation with rhizobium, inoculation with rhizo-
bium + 50 kg N ha −1 , and 120 kg N ha −1 .
BRSMG Talisma
0 + rhizobium
50 + rhizobium
120 kg N ha -1
FIGURE 7.3 Growth of dry bean genotype BRSMG Talisma at different N treatments in the second year of
experimentation. Left to right 0 kg N ha −1 , 0 kg N ha −1 + inoculation with rhizobium, inoculation with rhizo-
bium + 50 kg N ha −1 , and 120 kg N ha −1 .
improving crop productivity and fertility (Keyser and Li, 1992). It can lead to the establishment of
a large rhizobial population in the plant rhizosphere and to improvement in nodulation and N 2 fixa-
tion, even under adverse soil N conditions (Peoples et al., 1995a,b).
Biological N fixation by legumes is an important biological process that deserves special atten-
tion due to its economic and environmental impacts. Attempts to increase N 2 fixation will require
optimization of this process under the diverse environmental conditions to which crop plants are
exposed. Some of the strategies that can be adopted to optimize the N 2 fixation process are selection
of an appropriate strain for inoculate, appropriate rhizosphere conditions surrounding the plants,
and also planting efficient crop species or genotypes within species.
7.7.1 s eleCtIon of a pproprIate s traIns for I noCulatIon
Thies et al. (1991) quantified the indigenous soil rhizobia population, finding greater responses to
rhizobia inoculation when populations were <10 cells g −1 of soil, and little to no responses existed
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