Biology Reference
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scientific generalizations, resource managers mandated to change or manipulate a
system for the benefit of others, and the general public or stakeholders who see the
environment as a resource that supports various recreational activities.
4.2 Methods and Approaches
4.2.1 Study Site
Sandpiper Pond is a 15 ha brackish to freshwater marsh located within the barrier
beach system at Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina, USA (Fig. 4.1).
Prior to the 1980s, Sandpiper Pond was connected to the ocean by a narrow chan-
nel. The pond proper was composed of open water, tidal mud flats, and salt marsh
vegetation (e.g., Spartina alterniflora , Juncus roemerianus ). After the 1980s the
channel closed. Sandpiper Pond became a mostly freshwater system and was
invaded by two perennial monocot species, the common reed ( Phragmites austra-
lis ) and southern cattail ( Typha domingensis ) (Fig. 4.2).
4.2.2 Project Inception
Located within a state park, Sandpiper Pond (33:30:53 N, 79:03:06 W) is man-
aged for multiple uses that include recreation and tourism. The name Sandpiper
Pond was derived from the diversity of wading birds that historically used the
site, and the state park is considered one of the premier birding sites on the southeast
Fig. 4.1 A map of South Carolina, USA (SC) and the location of Huntington Beach State Park
(HB) within South Carolina
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