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dramatically in the Mediterranean and surrounding Atlantic waters (Belsher et al.
2003; Verlaque et al. 2000, 2003, 2004; Ruitton et al. 2005; Piazzi and Ceccherelli
2006). In Mediterranean waters, C. racemosa has been spreading faster and to
more locations than C. taxifolia (Ruitton et al. 2005). In some cases in the
Mediterranean, C. taxifolia outcompeted C. racemosa (Ruitton et al. 2005), while
in other locations the reverse was true (Piazzi and Ceccherelli 2002; Piazzi et al.
2003). After over 2 years of rapid growth, natural disasters in the form of repeated
hurricanes removed nonnative Caulerpa brachypus forma parvifolia from coral
reef areas in south Florida (Lapointe et al. 2006). Although native, blooms of
Caulerpa also can alter ecosystems. Blooms of C. verticillata (south Florida,
Lapointe et al. 2006), C. prolifera (west coast of central Florida, Stafford and Bell
2005), and C. sertularioides (Costa Rica, Fernandez and Cortes 2004) have been
described in recent years. Preventing new invasions, locating and eradicating
invaded populations while small, and managing large populations once eradica-
tion is deemed impossible continue to be issues of global concern with C. taxifo-
lia and many additional species in this genus. At the present time, we are a long
way from being successful. Much more research is needed to make us globally
Adolph S, Jung V, Rattke J, Pohnert G (2005) Wound closure in the invasive green alga Caulerpa
taxifolia by enzymatic activation of a protein cross-linker. Angew Chem Int Ed
Agostini S, Desjobert J, Pergent G (1998) Distribution of phenolic compounds in the seagrass
Posidonia oceanica . Phytochemistry 48:611-617
Amade P, Lemee R (1998) Chemical defense of the Mediterranean alga Caulerpa taxifolia : varia-
tions in caulerpenyne production. Aquat Toxicol 43:287-300
Anderson L (2005) California's reaction to Caulerpa taxifolia : a model for invasive species rapid
response. Biol Invasions 7:1003-1016
Balata D, Piazzi L, Cinelli F (2004) A comparison among assemblages in areas invaded by
Caulerpa taxifolia and C. racemosa on a subtidal Mediterranean rocky bottom. PSZN Mar
Ecol 25:1-13
Bax N, Carlton J, Mathews-Amos A, Haedricj R, Howarth F, Purcell J, Rieser A, Gray A (2001)
The control of biological invasions in the world's oceans. Conserv Biol 15:1234-1246
Belsher T, Meinesz A (1995) Deep-water dispersal of the tropical alga Caulerpa taxifolia intro-
duced into the Mediterranean. Aquat Bot 51:163-169
Belsher T, Lunven M, Le Gall E, Caisey X, Dugornay O, Mingant C (2003) Observations concern-
ing the expansion of Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa in Rade d'Hyerees and Rade
of Toulon (France). Oceanol Acta 26:161-166
Boudouresque C, Lemee R, Mari X, Meinesz A (1996) The invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia is not
a suitable diet for the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus . Aquat Bot 53:245-250
Ceccherelli G, Cinelli F (1997) Short-term effects of nutrient enrichment of the sediment and
interactions between the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the introduced green alga Caulerpa
taxifolia in the Mediterranean Sea. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 217:165-177
Ceccherelli G, Cinelli F (1998) Habitat effect on spatio-temporal variability in size and density of
the introduced alga Caulerpa taxifolia . Mar Ecol Prog Ser 163:289-294
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