Biology Reference
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Fig. 12.1 Parthenium hysterophorus
(Navie et al. 1996). Parthenium is a prolific seed producer, and a fully grown plant
can produce more than 15,000 seeds in its lifetime (Haseler 1976). Seeds persist
and remain viable in soil for reasonably long periods, with nearly 50% of the seed
bank viable up to 6 years (Navie et al. 1998a).
Parthenium is a weed of global significance (Adkins et al. 2005). Parthenium
occurs in Bangladesh (Navie et al. 1996), India (Mahadevappa and Patil 1997),
Israel (Joel and Liston 1986), Pakistan (Javaid and Anjum 2005; Shabbir and Bajwa
2006), Nepal (Adhikari and Tiwari 2004), China (Navie et al. 1996), Sri Lanka
(Jayasurya 2005), Taiwan (Peng et al. 1988), and Vietnam (Nath 1981) in Asia, sev-
eral Pacific islands including New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles,
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