Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Invasive Plant Species and the Ornamental
Horticulture Industry
Alex X. Niemiera and Betsy Von Holle
Abstract The ornamental horticulture industry is responsible for the introduction,
propagation, and transport of thousands of nonnative plant species, most of which
stay in their intended locations or spread without significant environmental impacts.
However, some nonindigenous plant species have proved to be particularly invasive
and quite environmentally deleterious. The economically and politically powerful
horticulture industry is faced with the dichotomous dilemma of the freedom to import
and propagate plant species juxtaposed with the responsibility to be a diligent land
steward. We discuss the various fundamental biological factors of plant invasion, as
well as the environmental impacts, probability, prediction, and ranking of invasive
species. We also review the role of the nursery industry in importing nonnative species,
the perception of the problem by nursery personnel, and the impact of governmental
and self-regulation. We conclude with recommendations for the ornamental plant
industry to mitigate its role in dispersing invasive, nonnative plant species.
Keywords Ornamental horticulture industry ￿ nonindigenous species ￿ invasive plants
￿ voluntary regulation
Abbreviations ANLA: American Nursery and Landscape Asssociation; ANLA
- HRI: American Nursery and Landscape Association - Horticultural Research
Institute; APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; AQIS: Australian
Quarantine and Inspection Service; BANR: Board on Agriculture and Natural
Resources; Cal-IPC: California Invasive Plant Council; EPPC: Exotic Pest Plant
Council; EPPO: European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization; EMG:
Extension Master Gardener; FL-EPPC: Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council; GISP:
A.X. Niemiera
Department of Horticulture, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA 24061
B.Von Holle ( )
Department of Biology, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
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