Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Availability of Health Care
» Good health care is available throughout Campania.
» In major centres you will find English-speaking doctors or a translator service available.
» Pharmacists can give you valuable advice and sell over-the-counter medication for
minor illnesses. They can also advise when more specialised help is required and point
you in the right direction. Pharmacies generally keep the same hours as other shops, clos-
ing at night and on Sundays. However, a handful remain open on a rotation basis (far-
macie di turno) for emergency purposes. These are usually listed in newspapers. Closed
pharmacies display a list of the nearest ones open.
» If you need an ambulance in Italy, call 118. For emergency treatment, head to the
pronto soccorso (casualty) section of a public hospital, where you can also get emergency
dental treatment.
Health Insurance
If you're an EU citizen (or from Switzerland, Norway or Iceland), a European Health In-
surance Card (EHIC) covers you for most medical care in public hospitals free of charge,
but not for emergency repatriation home or non-emergencies. The card is available from
health centres and (in the UK) from post offices. Citizens from other countries should find
out if there is a reciprocal arrangement for free medical care between their country and
Italy (Australia, for instance, has such an agreement; carry your Medicare card). If you do
need health insurance, make sure you get a policy that covers you for the worst possible
scenario, such as an accident requiring an emergency flight home. Find out in advance if
your insurance plan will make payments directly to providers or reimburse you later for
overseas health expenditures.
Recommended Vaccinations
No jabs are required to travel to Italy. The World Health Organization (WHO), however,
recommends that all travellers should be covered for diphtheria, tetanus, the measles,
mumps, rubella and polio, as well as hepatitis B.
A travel-insurance policy to cover theft, loss and medical problems is a good idea. It may
also cover you for cancellation or delays to your travel arrangements. Paying for your
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