Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
first time
Everyone needs a helping hand when they visit a country for the first
time. There are phrases to learn, customs to get used to and etiquette
to understand. The following section will help demystify Naples, Pom-
peii and the Amalfi Coast so your first trip goes as smoothly as your
Unlike in many other European countries, English is not widely spoken in Italy. Of course,
in the main tourist centres you can get by, but in the countryside and off the tourist track
you'll need to master a few basic phrases. This will improve your experience no end, espe-
cially when ordering in restaurants, some of which have no written menu. See the language
section of this topic for all the phrases you need to get by.
What to Wear
Appearances matter in Italy. The concept of la bella figura (making a good impression) en-
capsulates the Italian obsession with looking good. In general, trousers (pants), jeans, shirts
and polo shirts for men, and skirts or trousers for women, will serve you well in the city.
Shorts, T-shirts and sandals are fine in summer and at the beach, but long sleeves are re-
quired for dining out. For the evening, think smart casual. A light sweater or waterproof
jacket is useful in spring and autumn, and sturdy shoes are good for visiting archaeological
sites. Dress modestly when visiting churches and religious sites, covering torso, shoulders
and thighs.
Booking Ahead
Reserving a room is essential during the high season and during key events (such as Easter
and Christmas) when demand is usually high. Big-name restaurants and experiences such
as an evening at the opera should also be booked ahead.
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