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[MCUP02], as shown in Fig. 2b. The ellipses in the figure represent the second mo-
ment matrix of the detected regions. In contrast, non-structured object are better
characterized by affine adapted Hessian-like detectors as depicted in Fig. 2a.
The common solution is to use multiple descriptors simultaneously [NZ06]. In
the context of symmetry detection in contrast to object recognition, the local fea-
tures are all extracted from the same image. Hence, one can assume that symmetric
points within the same image, would respond well to the same type of local detec-
tor/descriptor. This allows us to use one detector-descriptor pair at a time.
Spectral Matching of Sets of Points in R n
x j N 2
n , such that S 1 = x i N 1
Given two sets of points in
and S 2 =
= c i k j k N 1
x k j R
n , k
2, we aim to find a correspondence map C
, such that c i k j k
implies that the point x i k
S 1 corresponds to the point x j k
S 2 . Figure 3 presents
an example of two sets being matched. Spectral point matching was first presented
in the seminal work of Scott and Longuet-Higgins [SLH91], who aligned point-sets
by performing singular value decomposition on a point association weight matrix.
In this work we follow a different formulation proposed by Berg et al. [BBM05]
and its spectral relaxation introduced by Leordeanu et al. in [LH05]. We start by
formulating a binary quadratic optimization problem, where the binary vector Y
, represents all possible assignments of a point x i k
S 1 to the points in set S 2 .
The assignment problem is then given by:
Y T HY ,
Y =
arg max
Fig. 3 Toy example for matching two sets of points
where H is an affinity matrix, such that H
k 1
k 1
is the affinity between the match-
ings c i k 1 j k 1 and c i k 2 j k 2 . H
k 1 ,
k 1 )
1 implies that both matchings are consistent, and
k 1 ,
k 1 )
implies that the matchings are contradictory. In practice, we use
x j k 2 2
d x i k 1 ,
x i k 2
d x j k 1 ,
k 1 ,
k 1 )=
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