Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Pronouncing Turkish is pretty simple as most Turkish sounds are also found in English. If
you read our coloured pronunciation guides as if they were English, you'll be understood.
Note that, in our pronunciation guides, ew is pronounced as the 'ee' in 'see' with rounded
lips, uh as the 'a' in 'ago', and that r is always rolled. The stressed syllables are indicated
with italics.
To enhance your trip with a phrasebook, visit . Lonely Planet iPhone
phrasebooks are available through the Apple App store.
Hello. Merhaba. mer ·ha·ba
Goodbye. Hoşçakal./Güle güle. hosh· cha ·kal/gew· le gew· le (said by person leaving/
Yes./No. Evet./Hayır. vet/ha ·yuhr
Excuse me. Bakar mısınız. ba· kar muh·suh· nuhz
Sorry. Özür dilerim. er· zewr dee· le ·reem
Please. Lütfen. lewt ·fen
Thank you. Teşekkür ederim. te·shek· kewr de ·reem
How are you? Nasılsınız? na ·suhl·suh·nuhz
Fine, and you? İyiyim, ya siz? ee ·yee ·yeem ya seez
Do you speak English? İngilizce een·gee· leez ·je konuşuyor ko·noo· shoo ·yor musunuz?
moo·soo· nooz
I don't understand. Anlamıyorum. an· la ·muh·yo·room
How much is it? Ne kadar? ne ka· dar
It's too expensive. Bu çok pahalı. boo chok pa·ha· luh
Do you have a single/double room? Tek/İki kişilik tek/ee· kee kee·shee· leek odanız var
mı? o·da· nuz var muh
How much is it per night/person? Geceliği/Kişi ge·je·lee· ee/ kee· shee başına ne kadar?
ba·shuh· na ne ka· dar
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