Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Lake Van
The most conspicuous feature on the map of southeastern Turkey, this 3750-sq-km lake
was formed when a volcano (Nemrut Dağı) blocked its natural outflow. The vast expanse
of water is surrounded by snowcapped mountains.
(Church of the Holy Cross; admission " 3; 8am-6pm) One of the marvels of Armenian architec-
ture is this carefully restored church, perched on an island 3km out in the lake. In 921 Ga-
gik Artzruni, King of Vaspurkan, built a palace, church and monastery on the island. Little
remains of the palace and monastery, but the church walls are in superb condition and the
wonderful relief carvings are among the masterworks of Armenian art. There are also
some frescoes inside.
| Church
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