Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
which gives a maximum depth of investigation of about 40 m. One example
of a sounding in Maheswaram watershed is shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 7. PMR sounding result at IPMR 10.
To the left, the raw data time series for each value of the pulse parameter
(the pulse parameter increases from bottom to top of the page).
In the centre, measured and reconstructed amplitude, decay time, frequency,
and phase of the PMR signals ambient noise versus the pulse parameter.
To the right, the result of amplitude and decay time data inversion, i.e.
water content and decay time distribution versus depth.
The cross section, as shown in Fig. 8a, summarizes the water content and
decay time deduced from inversion of the PMR data at Mohabatnagar. The
maximum thickness of the water saturated weathered zone was found to be
about 25 m on PMR-10. The upper portion of the main part of IPMR13 may
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