Java Reference
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Rules for switch statement
 The switch statement can have a variable of type short,int,byte or char.
 A Switch block can have any number of case statements with the following
Case value :
 any The value specified in case should be of same data type as variable in the
switch statement. Also this value must be any constant or literal.
 When the variable of switch statement is matched with nay case value then the
statements following that case will be executed until Break statement is reached.
 As the execurion reaches to a break statement, the switch terminates, and the
execution is transferred to the next line following the switch block.
 Putting Break in each case is not necessary. In case no Break appears, the
execution falls through the subsequent given cases until a Break is executed or the
switch terminates.
 There may be an optional default case in a switch at the end of switch. Default
case is executed when value of a variable is unmatched with all given cases.
public class Test1 {
public static void main(String args[]){
char letter = 'S';
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