HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
More information about the CSS process can be found at
cess#rectrack .
All in all, CSS3 makes creating web pages easier and more exciting than ever. So, at the time of writing, as the spe-
cification is in Working Draft status, can you use it yet?
Absolutely! Modern browsers already have great support for CSS3 because the sooner you start using it, the sooner
you can provide feedback and improve the future of CSS. The W3C consists not only of member organizations and
its full-time staff but the public, too. By using CSS3 today, you can have your say in its future. Just by using a fea-
ture of CSS3 is giving your stamp of approval to it.
Throughout CSS3 Foundations , you learn to use CSS3 in a safe way that is compatible with both existing browsers
that have some or no CSS3 support and future browsers, in the case of features being redefined prior to the specifica-
tion reaching its Recommendation status.
Modern Browsers
A web browser is, at its core, an engine that renders HTML, CSS, and other technologies, turning them into a func-
tional web page. Browsers also offer features such as bookmarking, history management, developer tools and many
others, including support for add-ons that allow for extending a browser's capabilities.
So, which browser should you use to create your website? All of them! Okay, you don't need to download them all
right now, but it is important to test the websites you build in a range of browsers (and devices).
Today's Major Browsers
Five major browsers are available today. These browsers are created by organizations—often referred to as browser
vendors or vendors for short—and are made free to download and use.
• Google Chrome ( )
• Apple Safari ( )
• Mozilla Firefox ( )
• Opera ( , both browser and vendor are referred to as Opera)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer (
downloads/ie )
I personally like to create websites using Chrome. I feel its web developer tools are the most useful for the way I
work, and it is often ahead of the rest when implementing the latest CSS features.
Throughout the topic, I use Chrome as my main browser (and test other browsers in Chapter 15). I recommend
avoiding Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7-9 as a browser to use while creating a web page because its features
aren't as consistent as the others listed, but if you'd like to use Safari, Firefox, or Opera, feel free. The development
tools, which I use and refer to, are similar between browsers, and I don't use a feature if it doesn't exist in another
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