Agriculture Reference
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39 Singer, P (1975), Animal Liberation , Pimlico, 1995, Chapter 1.
40 I bid .
41 Shriver, A (2009), 'Knocking Out Pain in Livestock: Can Technology Succeed Where Morality has Stalled?' Neur-
oethics , Vol 2 No3, November 2009.
42 Callaway, E (2009), 'Pain-free Animals Could Take Suffering out of Farming', New Scientist , 2 September 2009.
43 Singer, P (2003), 'Shopping at the Genetic Supermarket' in Song, S Y, et al (eds.), Asian Bioethics in the 21st Cen-
tury , Tsukuba, pp 143-56.
44 World Transhumanist website
45 The tendency can be observed by googling 'vegan transhumanism'.
46 Hughes, James (2004), Citizen Cyborg , Westview Press.
47 Pearce, David (2007), 'Mehr Rausch für Alle', Vanity Fair (Germany) 5 April 2007.
48 Pearce, David (1995), The Hedonistic Imperative , 1995
49 I bid.
50 Pearce (2007), op cit. 47.
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