Agriculture Reference
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1 per cent, we need to raise it to 2.56 per cent, if 3 per cent we raise it to 4.56 per cent, and so on. Donovan, Peter (n.d.),
The Calculation , Soil Carbon Coalition, calculation
33 Lal, R (2003), Agricultural Sequestration to Address Climate Change through Reducing Atmosphering [sic] Levels
of Climate Change , Address to the Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change and Nuclear Safety, US Senate Com-
mitttee on Environment and Public Works, July 8, 2003.
34 Yeomans, op cit. 32 , chapter 6.
35 Yeomans, ibid , p 148.
36 Yeomans, ibid , p 148.
37 Savory (1999), op cit . 17, p 219.
38 Frame, John (1992), Improved Grassland Management , Farming Press.
39 Kourik, R (2008), Roots Demysti fied , Metamorphic Press.
40 Hodgkinson, K C and Baas Becking, H G, 'Effect of Defoliation on Root Growth of Some Arid Zone Perennial
Plants', Aust J Agric Res , 29:31-42; cited in Schumann G E et al (2001), op cit. 14 .
41 Klumpp K et al (2009), 'Grazing Triggers Soil Carbon Losses by Altering Plant Roots and their Control on Soil
Microbial Community', Journal of Ecology , 97, pp 876-85, 2009.
42 E.g. Rasse et al conclude from their experiments that 'the relative root contribution to SOC has an average value
2.4 times that of shoots'. D Rasse et al (2005), 'Is Soil Carbon Mostly Root Carbon? Mechanisms for a Specific Stabiliz-
ation', Plant and Soil , 269, pp 341-56.
43 IPCC (2000), Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry ,
44 Fisher, M J et al (1994), Carbon Storage by Introduced Deep-Rooted Grasses in the South American Savannas',
Nature , vol 371, 15 September 1994. Actually the highest figure reported was 11.73 ± 2.58, but the IPCC cite the top end
of the standard error range.
45 Davidson et al (1995), 'Pasture Soils as Carbon Sink', Nature , Vol 376, 10 August 1995.
46 Pimentel, D et al (2005), Organic and Conventional Farming Systems: Environmental and Economic Issues , Cor-
nell University, 2005.
47 Yeomans, op cit.32 , 146.
48 Jones, C (2007), Australian Soil Carbon Accreditation Scheme, Renewable , 29 March 2007, ht-
49 IPCC (2000), op cit. 43.
50 The information about Christine Jones' work is culled from the following documents, available on : Jones, C (2008), 'Liquid Carbon Pathway Unrecognized', Australian Farm Journal , 1 July
2008; Porteous, James and Smith, Frank (2008), Farming, A Climate Change Solution , ECOS (Australia) Feb/Mar 2008;
Jones, C (2007), op cit. ; Jones, C (2006a), Carbon and Catchments . Also Jones, C (2006b), Soil and Carbon Credits , 5
March 2006,
51 Whitefield, P (2004), The Earthcare Manual , Permanent Publications, pp 269-70. The importance of legumes to
soil carbon sequestration is convincingly demonstrated in experiments carried out by G De Deyn et al (2009), 'Vegeta-
tion Composition Promotes Carbon and Nitrogen Storage in Model Grassland Communites of Contrasting Soil Fertility',
Journal of Ecology , 97, 864-75.
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