Agriculture Reference
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animals and animal welfare, but as far as possible I have tried to keep them out of this topic.
However I see no reason to disguise the fact that I find factory farming and laboratory ex-
periments upon animals a good deal more reprehensible than killing an animal competently
with a knife.
Finally a word of advice: the environmental impact of meat and livestock is a complex
matter, and this topic is denser and heftier than I originally intended, possibly too much so
for some readers. Although the topic pursues a line of argument, each chapter is designed
as far as possible to stand up as an essay in its own right, and can therefore be read as such.
Four chapters (chapters 4, 5, 6 and 9) are revised versions of articles already published
in The Land magazine. Sometimes, to avoid repetition, I have referred back to material
covered in earlier chapters. But in general a reader daunted by the volume of facts, figures
and references in this volume, can safely cherrypick the chapters that he or she finds most
1 The Ecologist (1976), 'Should an Ecological Society be a Vegetarian One?' The Ecologist 6:10, December.
2 Monbiot, George (2002), 'The Poor Get Stuffed', The Guardian , 4 December.
3 Words written on the walls of a night club in Uruguay by the Tupamaros, left wing revolutionaries, in 1970.
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