Information Technology Reference
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13. Debar, H., Wespi, A.: Aggregation and correlation of intrusion-detection alerts. In: Lee, W.,
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14. Al-Mamory, S.O., Zhang, H.: IDS alerts correlation using grammar-based approach. Journal
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15. Ning, P., Cui, Y., Reeves, D.: Constructing attack scenarios through correlation of intrusion
alerts. In: Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Se-
curity (CCS 2002), pp. 245-254. ACM Press, Washington, DC (2002)
16. Qin, X.: A Probabilistic-Based Framework for INFOSEC Alert Correlation, PhD thesis,
Georgia Institute of Technology (2005)
17. Qin, X.: Statistical causality analysis of INFOSEC alert data. In: Vigna, G., Krugel, C., Jon-
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18. Oliner, A.J., Kulkarni, A.V., Aiken, A.: Community epidemic detection using time-correlated
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19. Manganaris, S., Christensen, M., Zerkle, D., Hermiz, K.: A data mining analysis of rtid
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20. Siraj, A., Vaughn, R.B.: A cognitive model for alert correlation in a distributed environment.
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(eds.) ISI 2005. LNCS, vol. 3495, pp. 218-230. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
21. Ning, P., Xu, D., Healey, C.G., Amant, R.S.: Building attack scenarios through integration
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22. Porras, P.A., Fong, M.W., Valdes, A.: A mission-impact-based approach to INFOSEC alarm
correlation. In: Wespi, A., Vigna, G., Deri, L. (eds.) RAID 2002. LNCS, vol. 2516, pp. 95-
114. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)
23. Snort IDS: WEBSITE, (accessed November 2009)
24. Floyd, R.: Algorithm 97 (SHORTEST PATH). Communications of the ACM 5(6), 345 (1962)
25. Warshall, S.: A Theorem on Boolean Matrices. Journal of the ACM 9(1), 11-12 (1962)
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