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3 Overview of LLGC
Learning with Local and Global Consistency (LLGC) [11] is a semi-supervised
algorithm that provides smooth classification with respect to the intrinsic struc-
ture revealed by known labelled and unlabelled points. The method is a simple
iteration algorithm that constructs a smooth function coherent to the next as-
sumptions: (i) nearby points are likely to have the same label and (ii) points on
the same structure are likely to have the same label [11].
Formally, the algorithm is stated as follows. Let
x 1 ,x 2 , ..., x 1 ,x }⊂
m be the set composed of the data instances and
the set of labels
(in our case, this set comprises two classes: malware and legitimate software)
and x u ( +1
1 , ..., c
n ) the unlabelled instances. The goal of LLGC (and every
semi-supervised algorithm) is to predict the class of the unlabelled instances.
c matrices with non-negative entries, composed of matrices
F =[ F 1 , ..., F n ] T that match to the classification on the dataset
is the set of n
of each
instance x i . with the label assigned by y i =argmax j≤c F i,j . F can be defined as
a vectorial function such as F :
X→ R c to assign a vector F i
to the instances
x i . Y is an n
c matrix such as Y
F with Y i,j
=1when x i
is labelled as
y i = j and Y i,j
= 0 otherwise. Considering this, the LLGC algorithm performs
as follows:
= j and W i,i =0 then
Form the anity matrix W
defined by W i,j =exp −||x i −x j || 2
2 ·σ 2
Generate the matrix S = D 1 / 2 · W · D 1 / 2 where D is the diagonal matrix
with its ( i, i ) element equal to the sum of the i -th row of W ;
while ¬ Convergence do
F ( t +1)= α · S · F ( t )+(1 − α ) · Y
where α is in the range (0 , 1);
F is the limit of the sequence {F ( t ) } ;
Label each point x i as argmax j≤c F i,j ;
Fig. 1. LLGC algorithm
the diagonal elements to zero. Suppose that a graph G =( V, E ) is defined within
The algorithm first defines a pairwise relationship W on the dataset
is weighted by the
values in W . Next, the algorithm normalises symmetrically the matrix W of G .
This step is mandatory to assure the convergence of the iteration. During each
iteration each instance receives the information from its nearby instances while
it keeps its initial information. The parameter α denotes the relative amount
of the information from the nearest instances and the initial class information
of each instance. The information is spread symmetrically because S is a sym-
metric matrix. Finally, the algorithm sets the class of each unlabelled speci-
men to the class of which it has received most information during the iteration
, where the vertex set V is equal to
and the edge set
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