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Data Aggregation Based on Fuzzy Logic for
P. Caballero-Gil, J. Molina-Gil, and C. Caballero-Gil
Department of Statistics, OR and Computing, University of La Laguna, Spain
{ pcaballe,jmmolina,ccabgil }
Abstract. Data aggregation is mainly used to combine similar or equal
information sent by different nodes of a network before forwarding it with
the aim of reducing the number of messages. This is particularly impor-
tant in Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) where vehicles broadcast
information about the road trac situation, what can lead to overload
the network. In this paper we propose a system for data aggregation
based on the primary computational intelligence approach of fuzzy logic.
The scheme is automatically launched in case of incident, without any
fixed structure on the road, but through the spontaneous formation of
aggregation groups. Fuzzy logic is mainly applied in decision-making re-
garding aggregation and diffusion of aggregated information, while data
aggregation is based on digital signature combination. The proposed pro-
tocol also uses probabilistic verification of aggregated data in order to
reduce computation overhead and delay.
Keywords: Data aggregation; fuzzy logic; vehicular ad-hoc network.
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are self-organized networks formed by
vehicles and used to provide drivers with advance notification of trac congestion
or hazard events using wireless communication. In this type of networks, warning
messages affect decisions taken by drivers so that any wrong message could lead
to higher transportation times, fuel consumption, environmental contamination
and impact of road constructions, and, in the worst-case scenario, more trac
accidents. In the near future, this type of networks will allow the reduction of the
number of deaths due to car accidents, and the provision of real-time information
on trac and on roads. For example, drivers will be able to exchange information
with their neighbors and with the road so that they can receive warnings about
potentially dangerous events such as accidents, obstacles on the road, etc. Other
practical applications of VANETs are, for instance, to provide the ability to find
free parking spaces or to disseminate trac information.
This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and the European
FEDER Fund under Project TIN2008-02236/TSI and FPI scholarship BES-2009-
016774, and by the Agencia Canaria de Investigacion, Innovacion y Sociedad de la
Informacion under PI2007/005 Project and FPI scholarship BOC Number 60.
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