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3.3 Discussion of User Control over Private Information
The model user control over private information is measured by the number of
content, identity, location, and time privacy types that model supports.
The model is able to provide the content privacy if it supports some mech-
anisms to assure user that during content production, transferring, using, and
saving, only the parties which previously authorized by the user get access to
the contents.
The model is able to provide user control over identity privacy if it lets users
choose to be anonymous, use pseudonym identities, or use their real identity in
communicating with other parties, inform other parties about the current user
identity privacy policy, and reliably apply it in user communications.
The model is able to provide user control over location privacy if it lets users
choose the level of location information that other parties have access to and
applies the user selected level in communications. The user should be able to
select among not providing any location information, or confirming his existence
in a certain area, or providing his exact location information to the other parties.
The model provides user control over time privacy if it lets users define time
periods for all of their privacy policies and controls other parties' access to user
time policy and guarantees the application of time policy on all parties that have
related data to a specific time policy. The following discusses the UPM ability
to support each privacy type.
1. Content privacy: The UPM provides two levels of content privacy, privacy of
the content in communication, and content privacy for the services contents.
The UPM provides content privacy in communication by using two kinds of
keys as follow:
(a) The location dependent keys that encrypts and decrypts information
based on the geographical location information of the user. These keys
are used in location dependent privacy policies.
(b) The public/private keys with ECC algorithms that provide content con-
fidentiality for transferring information between mobile devices.
The UPM provides content privacy through defining ¡Information Space¿
tags that specify the location and time privacy for each parts of the content
on each party in the service using and saving data phases, so the UPM
provides content privacy without increasing the size of the transformed or
saved content.
The above two mechanisms guarantee the content privacy for the entire data
life time and provide user control over his content privacy.
2. Identity privacy: All parties specify their ID privacy preferences in their
privacy preferences files that can be one of transparent ID, protected ID, or
private ID in communication with other parties. The user light house plays
the main role in preserving user identity, in private ID policy the light house
does not divulge any information of the user, in protected ID the light house
confirms user access level through a third trusted party, and in transparent
ID status the light house divulges real user identity to the other parties. The
UPM provides identity privacy in three levels for all communicating parties.
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