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Definition 2: Algorithm 1.0. VM Node Inconsistency Detection Algorithm
Input: Decision tree
Output: Context of VM node inconsistency
Let A ( bi ) be the set of all attributes present in one branch.
Bool consistent = true ;
for each branch bi in Decision tree do
if more than 1 category attribute is assigned to terminal
node bi.tnode then
A ( bi ) = fetch all attributes of brah( bi );
for each actual rule Ra in the policy set do
if υ ( A ( Ra )) = υ ( A ( bi )) then
Highlight: Ra : A 1 . . . An → C ;
end if
end for
consistent = false ;
end if
end for
if consistent = true then
No inconsistency found;
end if
In such a decision tree, each branch bi (from the root to a VM terminal node)
represents one rule. In order to detect inconsistency, one will apply the above
algorithm. First one checks the terminal node of each branch (Lines: 3-4). If any
terminal node tnode contains more than one category ( C ) attribute value (Line: 4), this
means that some rules in the policy set are mutually inconsistent. In order to
determine which particular rules in the VM policy are mutually inconsistent, first one
fetch all the attributes of the particular branch (Line: 5). After that the algorithm will
start searching the attribute-values in the actual VM policy set (Lines: 6-10). All the
rules in the policy set that contain those attribute-values will be highlighted as
inconsistent (Lines: 7-9). If in a decision tree, no terminal node has more than one
category attribute-value then this means that no inconsistency has been found in the
policy set (Lines: 14-16).
To eliminate the inconsistency constraint in definitions (1) and (2) above, we
define the notion of association to describe a set of associated atomic type schema
elements in our transformation mapping mechanism. Intuitively, an association is a
query that returns all the atomic type elements in a Log query.
Definition 3: A VM Log mapping system is a triple < V LS , VT LS , M > where
V LS and VT LS are the source and target schemas and M is a set of mappings
between V LS and VT LS.
Definition 4: A schema element in schema V LS is a path query , that is query
of the form:
select e n+1 from x 0 in L 0 , x 1 in L 1 ……..x n in L n
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