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Comprehensive Protection of RFID Traceability
Information Systems Using Aggregate Signatures
Guillermo Azuara and José Luis Salazar
University of Zaragoza, C/ Maria de Luna 3, 50018, Zaragoza, Spain
Abstract. This work describes how the use of aggregate signatures can contrib-
ute to the comprehensive protection of RFID systems. Following a brief de-
scription of a product traceability system based on RFID technology and made
secure by the use of aggregate signatures, a review is given of the main security
threats to such systems and it is shown how the properties of aggregate signa-
tures can provide comprehensive protection. Throughout the paper the protec-
tion measures adopted against the threats described for a real prototype are
Keywords: RFID, Virus, Aggregate signatures.
1 Introduction
RFID technology is increasingly present in many areas of our daily lives and also in
industrial processes. The advances in ubiquitous computing, where the use of RFID for
marking objects is becoming common, has numerous advantages. However, there are
new challenges on the horizon such as the proliferation of attacks and specific malware
in RFID environments [1]. This work concentrates on how these threats can affect an
RFID-based traceability system and how the use of aggregate signatures can contribute
to preventing or mitigating these effects. The use of the proposed system protects it
against new risks that can have an impact on automated systems of information capture,
providing an interesting novelty to traceability systems and quality management.
In the following section we briefly describe a system of RFID secured traceability
on which the impact of various threats will be studied.
Section three outlines the security risks and basic characteristics of the threats that
may affect RFID systems and their execution.
Section four provides an evaluation of which of these threats affect the system and
how aggregate signatures and other counter-measures can contribute to minimising
their impact.
The conclusions are set out in the final section.
2 RFID Traceability
RFID technology enables objects or persons to be identified with a unique identifier,
the information being transmitted with a specific protocol to a receiving device, called
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