Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The SELECT statement itself is the same as the one used in the previous code
snippet, except that here the calculated field is followed by the text AS vend_
title . This instructs SQL to create a calculated field named vend_title
containing the results of the specified calculation. As you can see in the output,
the results are the same as before, but the column is now named vend_title
and any client application can refer to this column by name, just as it would
to any actual table column. Indeed, the ORDER BY itself uses the calculated
vend_title .
Other Uses for Aliases Aliases have other uses, too. Some common uses include
renaming a column if the real table column name contains illegal characters (for exam-
ple, spaces) and expanding column names if the original names are either ambiguous
or easily misread.
Derived Columns Aliases are also sometimes referred to as derived columns , so
regardless of the term you run across, they mean the same thing.
Performing Mathematical Calculations
Another frequent use for calculated fields is performing mathematical calcula-
tions on retrieved data. Let's take a look at an example. The orders table
contains all orders received, and the orderitems table contains the individual
items within each order. The following SQL statement retrieves all the items
in order number 20005 :
SELECT prod_id, quantity, item_price
FROM orderitems
WHERE order_num = 20005;
| prod_id | quantity | item_price |
| ANV01 | 10 | 5.99 |
| ANV02 | 3 | 9.99 |
| TNT2 | 5 | 10.00 |
| FB | 1 | 10.00 |
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