Database Reference
In-Depth Information
| prod_name |
| 1 ton anvil |
| 2 ton anvil |
| JetPack 1000 |
| JetPack 2000 |
| TNT (1 stick) |
Well, that did not work. The two required rows were retrieved, but so were
three others. This happened because MariaDB assumed that you meant '1' or
'2' or '3 ton' . The | character applies to the entire string unless it is enclosed
with a set.
Sets of characters can also be negated. That is, they'll match anything but the
specified characters. To negate a character set, place a ^ at the start of the set.
So, whereas [123] matches characters 1 , 2 , or 3 , [^123] matches anything
but those characters.
Matching Ranges
Sets can be used to define one or more characters to be matched. For example,
the following matches digits 0 through 9 :
To simplify this type of set, - can be used to define a range. The following is
functionally identical to the list of digits just seen:
Ranges are not limited to complete sets— [1-3] and [6-9] are valid ranges,
too. In addition, ranges need not be numeric, and so [a-z] matches any
alphabetical character.
Here is an example:
SELECT prod_name
FROM products
WHERE prod_name REGEXP '[1-5] Ton'
ORDER BY prod_name;
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