Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Create, Then Populate You must run the table creation scripts before the table popula-
tion scripts. Be sure to check for any error messages returned by these scripts. If the
creation scripts fail, you need to remedy whatever problem might exist before continuing
with table population.
One Or the Other, Not Both Both of the following sets of instructions do the exact
same thing, so pick one and use it, but don't try to use both. (You'll not be able to cre-
ate the same database and tables twice.)
Using mysql
To create the example data using the mysql command line utility, do the
1. Make sure MariaDB is running.
2. Open a command prompt window, and go to the bin folder under the
MariaDB installation folder.
3. Connect to MariaDB as the root user (so that you have the security
access needed to create a new database). Type mysql -u root and
press Enter. If you specified a root password at installation time, use
mysql -u root -p and press Enter, and then type the password when
prompted to do so.
4. You should see a prompt like MariaDB [(none)]> . The name of the
currently selected database is displayed inside the square brackets, and
(none) simply means that no database has been selected.
5. To keep the tables used in this topic separate from any other work or
data, we create a new database and use that exclusively for all chapters.
Type create database crashcourse; (don't forget the ; ) and press
Enter to create a new database named crashcourse . You should see a
message saying OK .
6. Next you need to select the new database (so that when you create
the tables they are created inside it). Type USE crashcourse; and press
Enter. The prompt should now indicate that the crashcourse database
has been selected.
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