Database Reference
In-Depth Information
To rename a user account, use the RENAME USER statement like this:
RENAME USER ben TO bforta;
Deleting User Accounts
To delete a user account (along with any associated rights and privileges), use
the DROP USER statement as seen here:
DROP USER bforta;
Setting Access Rights
With user accounts created, you must next assign access rights and privileges.
Newly created user accounts have no access at all. They can log in to MariaDB,
but they see no data and cannot perform any database operations.
To see the rights granted to a user account, use SHOW GRANTS FOR as seen in
this example:
| Grants for bforta@% |
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'bforta'@'%' |
The output shows that user bforta has a single right granted, USAGE ON
*.* . USAGE means no rights at all (not overly intuitive, I know), so the results
mean no rights to anything on any database and any table .
Users Are Defined As user@host MariaDB privileges are defined using a combination
of user name and hostname. If no hostname is specified then a default hostname of %
will be used (effectively granting access to the user regardless of the hostname).
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