Database Reference
In-Depth Information
2. After it is declared, the cursor must be opened for use. This process
actually retrieves the data using the previously defined SELECT state-
3. With the cursor populated with data, individual rows can be fetched
(retrieved) as needed.
4. When it is done, the cursor must be closed.
After a cursor is declared, it may be opened and closed as often as needed. After
it is open, fetch operations can be performed as often as needed.
Creating Cursors
Cursors are created using the DECLARE statement (seen in Chapter 23,
“Working with Stored Procedures”). DECLARE names the cursor and takes
a SELECT statement, complete with WHERE and other clauses if needed.
For example, this statement defines a cursor named ordernumbers using a
SELECT statement that retrieves all orders:
CREATE PROCEDURE processorders()
DECLARE ordernumbers CURSOR
SELECT order_num FROM orders;
This stored procedure does not do a whole lot. A DECLARE statement is used
to define and name the cursor—in this case ordernumbers . Nothing is done
with the cursor, and as soon as the stored procedure finishes processing it ceases
to exist (as it is local to the stored procedure itself).
Now that the cursor is defined, it is ready to be opened.
Opening and Closing Cursors
Cursors are opened using the OPEN CURSOR statement, like this:
OPEN ordernumbers;
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